Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jeanne's birthday and other things

Since Father's day, we've had a few events happen.

Jeanne's birthday was on June 32rd. We had already gone out to eat as a family the friday before. We went to a little restaurant here in our town called Marios. I had a super Italian sub. It had ham, salami, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and ionions on it, covered in Italian dressing. The bread was Italian bread. I had a twelve inch sub.
Alex had a small pizza, plain. Jeanne has Manicotti I'm pretty sure. Brian had chicken and french fries; perfect finger food for him.
Jeanne was allowed to sleep in on Monday, wheich she had taken off from work to have a nice four-day weekend. The women at her work made her a birthday cake, which they surprised her with on her birthday when she went back to work. She also made her own cake and when she found out the girls were cooking up something at work, she put hers in the freezer for later. She also got a handful of birthday cards from the various women at her work which was very thoughtful of them.

Jeanne's recently gotten reacquainted with a friend she went to high school with named Stephanie. Steph lives here in town as well and she's got a two-year-old daughter named Awbrie. Steph isn't married, but soes a very nice job of raising Awbrie by herself. Awbrie goes to see her father every other weekend. Steph has taken Jeanne and Alex to the local playground this past week, which is really good for Alex to work on that whole kid interaction thing. Alex gets along very well with Awbrie. He goes around calling her his girlfriend. Awbrie even gave Alex a little kiss too. Isn't that sweet.
Steph has volunteered to take Jeanne shopping later on in the month of July.
Grandma took Jeanne shopping today though, so Jeanne bought two weeks worth of groceries, which works out better because when she would buy for a whole month, she was having to work with two shopping carts full of food.

Finally, on to today. I was bringing in some groceries, and Alex was trying to help. He was out in the hallway, started to run I guess, and then he whacked his head off the wall. He got a huge bump on his forehead on the right side. We tried putting an ice pack on it, but he was trying to take it off like it was too cold. So we bumped it down to just a cold compress and that worked better. We also gave him some tylenol to help with the pain. We gave him some more before bedtime to help him through the night. The bump has already started to go down a bit, but he'll have it for a few days. Jeanne thinks he may come out with a black eye as well, but we'll see.
I think that covers everything up to the present. Thanks for reading this all the way through. Hope everyone has a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Awh thanks Matt, what are you trying to do, make me cry!!
