Monday, June 22, 2009

massive update

I haven't posted in a long time so I think it's time to play a little catch up.

Mother's Day went very nicely. I bought Jeanne some pretty flowers and surprised her with them. I got her a little stuffed bear to go along with them. I was going to make her some scrambled eggs and serve them to her in bed, but I don't know what happened there, maybe she just got up before I could do it. I also wrote her a nice Mother's Day email that made her cry.

Alex has been doing very well with going to the potty. Sometimes, he wants you to go with him, but he generally goes on his own. He needs help to empty out his potty. He's very independent. He wants to help out so much it's almost painful. Sometimes I feel like I do very little because he wants to do it all.

We've been over Jeanne's dad's house twice since I last updated the blog. We had fun both times. First time we went over on a Saturday for Smores. Second time we went over for a BBQ and that was good as well. We made krabby paddies and took them to be cooked on the grill. We've had them at our house a time before that and they turned out really nice. We had a meal one night of Krabby Paddies and Krabby Fries. I hope they were up to Spongebob's standards.

Poor Brian injured himself June 20th, which was a Saturday night. I don't know how it happened exactly, but he wound up sending a tooth through the place between your gumline and the inside of your upper lip. That little area there he wound up cutting with his bottom tooth. We gave him baby tylenol after we got all the bleeding stopped.

Father's Day. That was yesterday and it was very good. It started out with me sleeping in till 9:30 in the morning. Jeanne got the kids up and got them dressed and fed. After I woke up, Jeanne made me breakfast and washed up the dishes. It was a mix-it-up lunch with everyone having their own things. For dinner, Jeanne made me one of my favorite meals, besides a seafood dish or Chicken Curry. It was Sweet and Sour Chicken. Very tasty. It will be her turn again as her birthday is June the 23rd. She took off work on Monday so she could have a nice four-day weekend.

I think that's everything since the last post. Hope you all enjoy reading.

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