Friday, March 13, 2009

Battle Of The Clog Continues!

The story of the clog continues!
My wife bought Drano for the kitchen sink, and the pipe the washer drains into and at first, I thought we had progress with the kitchen sink. Alas, this was not to be the case. The clog still exists in the washer drainpipe, and the water goes down very slowly in the kitchen sink. In addition, water from the kitchen sink gets backed up in the washer drainpipe, so the water ends up all over the floor, making an even bigger mess. My wife and I managed to wash clothes tonight, only by letting the water drain into a cleaning bucket and dumping it out in the bathtub. It took about 8 and three-quarter buckets full of water. This was done twice from start to finish. A normal load of laundry would take about twenty-five minutes. For us, it took about forty-five minutes.
The problem of washing clothes has been averted, but we still need to wash dishes. We will have to do them in the bathtub as well, until we can get a plumber out with a snake, or some other means of removing the clog that's down at the bottom of the washer drainpipe. Wish us luck with that. As I write this, we're coming up on a weekend, so probably nothing will get done till Monday at the very earliest. As it is, my wife needs to make a cake tomorrow for a party she's attending later that night. Plus there are the meals that will be happening throughout the day. Is there no end to these constant water problems?

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