Wednesday, March 11, 2009

stressful evening

What a mess it was this evening. Let me tell you guys all about it.
What caused the mess? A clog in the pipe that connects the sink in the kitchen, with the pipe for the washer, and the pipe for the bathroom sink.
Basically there's one pipe that connects everything except the toilet and bathtub. I'm very glad those are connected differently. I think whoever built the building we live in long ago was either stoned, or just had no idea what they were doing. The pipe work isn't designed for heavy use, which is exactly what a family needs it to be. If you get a clog anywhere, it effects everything connected to it.
What I think happened is, food got caught up in the pipe the washer drains into, so what we had was water pouring out of that pipe all over the floor. Thankfully, my wife heard the noise and stopped things before they got really out of hand. As it was, the floor around the washer was completely soaked. The washer had to be pulled out, and some towels put down to soak up that water. After that, I rang everything out and put it in a basket, took it down to the bathroom, and rinsed it all out in the tub. Hopefully, everything will dry by the morning. I may need to run the dryer two or three times to make sure it's all completely dry. I can't tell all of you how many clogs we've gotten in the piping since we moved into this place. We so need to move to a better house, even if it means going a bit smaller than what we have now. This building is ancient, and so much money has been put into stuff to unclog the pipes it's not funny. One time, we had to call professional plumbers to come and suck out this big wod of noodles I accidentally let down the drain. My wife will have to pick up some drano from Right Aid tomorrow so we can get rid of this clog. I seriously don't know how they use to wash clothes by hand before washing machines were invented. My hands ache from squeezing out all the water from the clothes, especially the thick ones. If anyone reading this has had any problems like this, please, drop me some comments.

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