Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday happenings

Several things happened today.
First, our friend Carole had a doctor's appointment today. She has an ongoing condition called Cellulitis, which is an acute inflammation of the connective tissue of the skin, caused by infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus or other bacteria.
Her lower left leg keeps swelling because of this and thus the reason for her doctor's visit today. She also has the possibility of developing clots in her lower legs, which the doctors are treating with heparin injections. Today she was shown how to inject herself. She'll have to do this on her own for about a week. Next week she'll go back in for another ultrasound scan to see if the clots have moved into her upper leg, or if they've been dispersed. One person that can sympathize with having to do injections is my wife. During her pregnancy with our second child, she developed gestational diabetes. She has to give herself daily injections of insulin.

Second, today was the day for our monthly grocery run. Since we don't have our own vehicle yet, we set up monthly trips to the store with Jeanne's grandma who is kind enough to help us with this. Alex got to go to the store with Jeanne, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He got some snacks out of the deal, including teddy grams, and several flavors of goldfish.
Jeanne now has more food options to choose from in her diet she's recently undertaken. She's doing this one-cup portions diet, which allows her to eat anything she wants, so long as it's in one-cup amounts. She eats every two hours, then, at the end of the day, she goes online to see how she did in terms of fat content, amount of calories consumed, number oc carbs, etc. She's lost about six pounds so far. It's hard because there's lots of times she still feels hungry after eating her one-cup allotment.

Third, dancing with the stars aired tonight. Sadly, there were a few couples who did not impress the judges with their dancing. One or two of those couples really did poorly. There will be a double-elimination tomorrow night. I think the show will soon be moving to just one hour installments, because as we swing into April, there are a few more new shows airing on ABC and I believe one of those new shows will air on Monday night after Dancing With The Stars.

Fourth, a new episode of Castle aired tonight. This is the fourth episode in the series. I hope they continue to air new episodes because this is shaping up to be quite a good series, at least in this blogger's opinion.
Tonight's ep is titled, Hell Hath No Fury.
The body of a New York City Councilman up for reelection is found murdered and rolled up in a rug, sending Beckett and Castle deep in to the world of politics.
Meanwhile, Castle's final novel of the Derrick Storm series arrives at bookstores, sending his mother out looking for any sign of failure.

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry.


  1. I wish Jeanne all the luck with her new diet! I know that it can be hard! I have gained about 60 lbs in the last 6 years and am now doing weight watchers to get it back off. I am down 9.6 pounds! I dunno if Jeanne likes baby carrots or not but 10 of them are free for me on weightwatchers and I think would equal about a cup and they are filling! Just an idea!

  2. I have done WW and I loved it. If you follow the program it really works well. Good luck to you with your weight loss journey!
