Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Computer woes

Sunday the 15th, all of us went over to Gen's house around 5PM so I could help her son Josh with his computer. He has a virus on it of some sort, plus it's running slow, and it's locked the administrator out of several areas that I think are rather important. I'll have to do a little research to see if I can regain access to those areas. I installed a copy of my screen reading software (JAWS) onto his computer so I wouldn't have to have him read the screen all the time. One of the areas we were denied access, is the Registry Editor. This area is important because there's a few places I would have liked to go to keep several programs from loading at Windows startup. Another important area to which we were denied access, is the Task Manager. He says he's a System's Administrator, yet the error message says something like "such and such has been disabled by your system's administrator" and to contact them for assistance. Also, he has no My Computer, or Control Panel. We have to get to My Computer through the Recycle Bin. It is very strange. I also installed a copy of a spyware/AntiVirus program on there to remove all the trojans, adware, and other nasties that are residing on his system. He's got a free edition of AVG on there, but it detected nothing, while my program found lots of stuff. I will most likely have to go back over there to work on it more in the future. I could probably do with just taking his CPU to my house and hooking it up here to work on it. While I was upstairs with Josh's computer, Jeanne and the kids were downstairs hanging out with Gen.
Gen did feed us some dinner. We had leftover pizza from the party they'd had the night before. It was fun to get out and try to help someone with a problem they didn't have any idea of how to deal with. I'm glad I have the knowledge I do about computers.

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