Sunday, March 1, 2009

What about Brian!

I figured, since I've written something about Alex, I should put up a post talking about our other son, Brian. Brian is fourteen-months-old now. He can walk very well. Sometimes he'll crawl if he wants to get somewhere really fast, but for the majority of the time, he's walking everywhere. The days are fast approaching where he'll really start getting into things. When Alex learned to walk, and subsequently learned he can reach things he's never been able to reach before, he was getting into all sorts of things. The one thing Brian really loves to get into right now, is the garbage under the sink. He'll just open the door, stick his hand in, and pull out something nasty lol. He gets away with it more when I'm taking care of them during the weekdays, because my wife works the nightshift, so while she's asleep, I'm in charge. Brian also has eight teeth, and is working on more. He's got quite an appetite let me tell you! One night, he ate three whole plates of food. He eats jsut about everything we do. Brian can also drink out of a hard-spout sippy cup now. He's been doing it for a while. He'll even steal Alex's cup and drink out of that if Alex isn't paying attention. I think brian has the worst temper out of the two boys. Brian also likes to cuddle up to you more than Alex did. Both boys sleep through the whole night and are in a good mood when they wake up.
I think that's all for now, but rest assured, there will be more posts in regards to Alex and Brian in the future. Those boys are always doing something. You can tell me some interesting stories about your kids, or even someone else's kids. I'm sure there are plenty of amusing stories out there.

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