Friday, March 27, 2009

bird in the house

We had something rather unusual happen to us this morning.
Jeanne came home from work, and went to bed for a short little nap as she does every Friday morning. I got up with the kids and got them dressed and I even had their breakfast out for them. As I was washing the dishes, Alex was saying something to me about a bird in our house. I heard some banging on the window in the kitchen, and what sounded like wings. I went and woke jeanne up and she varified that there was indeed, a bird, in the house. We opened up the windows in the bedroom and the bird thankfully flew out on his own. He left a little present for us in the laundry basket though. I think he came in when Jeanne first walked in from work, which means he's been in the house for at least an hour. I don't know how he went unnoticed until Alex saw him in the kitchen. I thought that was so different for us that it deserved to be written about.

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