Sunday, March 22, 2009

random thoughts

Hey there everyone. I'm just going to be spitting out random thoughts in this post.
We had pepperoni chicken tonight and it was very tasty. That's one of the recipes we got from Jeanne's friend Gen. I had one thigh and two legs. we had a rice side with it. Normally, we'd have a vegetable with it, but we decided not to tonight.
I call my Dad on Sunday nights. I usually do the calling once a week, so it will be good to talk to him. Can't wait to tell him our pipe problem's been fixed.
I'm so glad the pipes were just replaced. I'm pretty sure that the new pipes are bigger in width than the old pipes as well. That's a good thing because of the way the washer pumps the water through them, it would back up into the sink down in the bathroom and begin filling it up. Now it doesn't do that at all. Also, you can't control the amount of food that goes down the kitchen sink either, you need to have pipes that will accomodate that sort of thing.
Jeanne and I had a good night last night. We didn't end up watching a movie like we originally planned but we still had fun. Getting the kids off to bed was a bit weird though. One minute we were playing on the bed, all of us were, and I thoguht it was only 6:00PM. The next thing you know, it's after 8 o'clock, only we didn't realize that until it was ten minutes after the hour. We were going to have a drink, Jeanne and I, but we didn't have anything to mix them in, no coke, no orange juice made, so we were just going to have Raspberry schnapps and vodka. I drank all mine but Jeanne said hers was too strong lol.

I am thinking of putting music on for a bit but not sure what to listen too.
I think that's all the randomness I have for now. You all take care and happy reading.

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